About Us


Trade Secrets Academy is a premier provider of education and resources for individuals looking to learn how to trade forex and the financial markets. Founded by Grand Master Trader Dr. Manoah McClendon, our team of experienced educators have a combined 30+ years of trading experience and are dedicated to providing world-class education to our students.

At Trade Secrets Academy, we offer a comprehensive range of educational courses designed to cater to both beginners and advanced traders. Our courses provide in-depth instruction, equipping students with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the complex world of trading. Additionally, we provide custom exclusive indicators that give our students a competitive edge in the markets, increasing their chances of success.

What sets Trade Secrets Academy apart is our vibrant community of students and traders. Our community serves as a valuable resource, fostering support, collaboration, and networking opportunities. By connecting with like-minded individuals, students gain access to diverse perspectives, strategies, and insights that can enhance their trading journey.

We understand the importance of hands-on learning, which is why we provide live classes and trading sessions throughout the week. These real-time sessions enable our students to put their newfound knowledge into practice, further solidifying their understanding of trading concepts. Additionally, we now offer one-on-one coaching sessions to provide personalized guidance and mentorship tailored to each student's unique needs and goals.

Trade Secrets Academy is committed to staying at the forefront of the industry. With our expert instruction, cutting-edge resources, and dedication to ongoing innovation, we provide an exceptional learning experience for individuals of all backgrounds and experience levels. Our goal is to empower our students to achieve their financial goals and become independent traders.

When you choose Trade Secrets Academy, you join a community driven by a shared vision of success in the trading world. Our team, led by Dr. Manoah McClendon and consisting of Jenis Minaya, Director of Education; Gregory Hayden, Director of Business Acquisitions; and Ronda Prasit, Director of Operations, works tirelessly to deliver world-class education, personalized coaching, and an empowering learning environment. Whether you're a novice or an experienced trader, we invite you to join us on our journey to master the financial markets and achieve your financial aspirations.

Trade Secrets Academy
Email: [email protected]


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